1930 "Registered" cover from Iona addressed to South Africa.

1930 "Registered" cover from Iona addressed to South Africa.
1930 "Registered" cover from Iona addressed to South Africa.
Stock Code: 546
Availability: In Stock
Price: £400.00
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1930 a "registered" envelope addressed to Umtata, Cape Provence, South Africa, from Iona, bearing a mixture of George V issues making up the 4½d rate, each being tied by the Iona two ring datestamp for 9 SP 30 with alongside the registered label "Iona (Isle of) No 50". The reverse of the envelope bears a Tobermory, Isle of Mull, transit mark for 10 SP 30 with an arrival mark for 20 OCT 30. The cover was apparently undelivered, and bears the manuscript annotation "Posted at Umtata under cover to the Postmaster Island of Iona, Scotland. A most unusual cover. Bov#60

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